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    CUBA Platform and Studio Roadmap goes Publicly Available

    After a number of requests and continuously coming questions on the future development plans of the CUBA Platform and Studio, finally, we are proud to announce that the roadmap is now available to the community.

    How can I Share my Idea?

    On our community forum we have a special topic type, where you can share your ideas. Also, you are welcome to vote for the ideas you would like to see in the Platform or Studio soon. Most voted ideas will be considered as highly prioritized candidates to be included in the roadmap.

    Since your idea is added to the roadmap it will be linked to a corresponding ticket in our issue tracker, which also becomes available in read-only mode. So you will be able to track an issue history, milestone, fix version and so on.

    How can I See What is Scheduled for the Upcoming Release?

    The roadmap is actually a query to YouTrack, that selects important tickets, scheduled for a particular milestone. It is dynamic and can change over time. So, just construct a proper filter to see the features planned for the upcoming release or implemented in one of the previous versions.

    Explore the links below to find out about our plans for 6.4 release, which is scheduled for January, 2017:

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