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Jmix Services: for all business occasions

We can confidently say Jmix can be beneficial to you not only as a development tool. This is confirmed by the successful stories of using Jmix services of our customers like developers, corporations, digital agencies.

We want to introduce you to our services that enable earning Jmix and promptly resolving issues during development. Jmix is not just a development platform but also provides accompanying services to enhance the productivity of development teams and facilitate the rapid creation of business applications.

Services are types of support that address the primary needs of businesses and developers throughout the software creation and implementation process.


Comprehensive and expert support at all stages of development: from project start to deployment. We don’t just explain documentation upon your request. We dive into the situation, write code and offer detailed ready-made solutions. Besides, we explain how to work with it further. We help avoid situations where errors snowball, their correction consumes precious employee time and development stalls.


A 3-in-1 service to boost your project: task execution, training your employees during the process, and getting the Jmix team’s expertise. You can hire our core Jmix developers full-time for complete project immersion and rapid development.

When might you need the outstaffing service? At any stage of the project.

At the beginning: a quick start to work while the rest of the team immerses themselves in the technology.

In the middle: advancing and organizing processes, creating universal methods to speed up work.

At the end: strengthening the team to meet project deadlines.


Training helps not to waste time on studying documentation. The practical assignments for consolidating and practicing the material allow you to quickly apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Training is suitable not only for new employees or when you are starting work with the platform. Send your team to individual training on Jmix functionalities and implement new technologies in your projects. Training is conducted on a convenient schedule for groups of up to 12 people and only on topics you need.


A new format of online training by Jmix experts for all interested developers. This is an ideal option for individual developers and small groups. The schedule and the program are formed when participants enroll in specific topics. If you are interested in taking part in the online course submit the requests here.


Jmix Services are like an umbrella in autumn. They might come in handy at any moment. With them, the situation becomes more controllable, and you always have a plan B.

You won’t be left alone with a problem. We’ll help you find a way out and meet your deadlines.

Email us by to tell us what situation you need expert help with, and we will definitely find an effective solution.

Please contact us to find the most effective solution of your situation.
Jmix is an open-source platform for building enterprise applications in Java