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    Pull Requests Wanted!

    Since CUBA Platform was published as an open-source solution we are constantly moving towards increasing transparency. The source code is available on GitHub. About a year ago we made CUBA issue tracker accessible, followed by publishing the platform roadmap. Finally, now we encourage everyone to contribute the code and influence CUBA Platform development.

    How it relates to you

    Contributing code and bug reporting has become easier - both can be done without leaving GitHub. All changes will be reviewed by our team as pull requests.

    The process

    In case you are going to contribute a patch to CUBA Platform just follow these steps:

    1. Create a pull request.
    2. Accept the Contributor License Agreement.
    3. Make sure you respond to our comments, if any.
    4. Wait for merge and release. We will proceed to your request as soon as possible.

    The detailed description is posted in our Contributor Guide. We are looking forward to your pull requests and of course bug reports!

    Jmix is an open-source platform for building enterprise applications in Java