
by Community
  • Latest Version
  • Updated 60 months ago
  • Supported Version v6.4-7.2
  • License Apache 2.0
  • Resources
  • Tags


This repository contains third-party translations for the CUBA Platform screens and common UI components, along with localization tools, which provide the facilities for batch localization.

Please switch to a branch corresponding to your platform version and see further instructions in its README. For example, if your project is based on platform 6.8.0 use the release_6_8 branch. For platform 6.4 and older use the release_6_4 branch.

The repository contains the following translations:

  • German
  • Spanish
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • Portuguese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Romanian
  • Italian
  • French

Translations are stored as sets of language-specific messages.properties files separated by the platform addons (cuba, reports, etc.) and their modules. You can use the provided translations as is or copy and modify them in your project. You are also welcome to submit a translation to a new language.