Develop custom enterprise software tailored to your needs with Jmix:

  • Rapid Application Development platform
  • Open-source by nature
  • Popular system integrations
  • Typical business functionality with low-code capabilities
  • Fast learning track

What types of enterprise software
can be developed?

  • Front-office web-application
  • Customer onboarding
  • Customer 360
  • Product Information Management
  • Configure Price and Quote
  • CRM
  • B2B E-Commerce portal

Nowadays, sales and marketing automation can't be covered by a single traditional CRM tool. Creating custom sales automation solutions and E-commerce portals is becoming essential for future revenue growth, business scalability and market competition. B2B sales automation software is often tailor-made due to the presence of business-specific complexities related to industrial and financial products with many options, various payment types, delivery conditions, and customer service interactions afterwards. With Jmix, you can build a custom marketing and sales automation solution supporting all the requirements using a compact team of backend developers and business technologists.

Related business cases Иконка

What types of industries do we focus on with Jmix?

Why Choose Jmix?



Jmix empowers developers with productive tools, maintaining the joy of coding in a familiar environment.


Enhanced Productivity

Jmix speeds up development of internal tools and business applications by providing features for creating entities, UIs, and permissions. This enables developers to focus on the application's logic instead of repetitive coding tasks.


Future-Proof Technology Stack

Jmix is built on Spring Boot, giving developers full control over the application's source code and enabling seamless integration with other Java technologies.


Full Stack Solution

Jmix eliminates the need for separate front-end and back-end teams by providing an all-in-one solution using Java or Kotlin. This approach reduces codebase size, management complexity, and developer workload.


Easy Onboarding

We know ramping up new enterprise application projects is a tough thing. That's why Jmix is well equipped with detailed documentation, UI samples, demo applications, video tutorials, and an absolutely free Udemy course covering all basic topics.


Free and Open-Source Core

Jmix applications are indeed yours and can be supported independently. No fees for using the applications you’ve built. Developers own their creations and can distribute their products without vendor constraints.

Cost-optimized solution based on active developer seats. Pay only when needed. For small projects (<10 entities, without view limitations), Jmix is FREE with its studio functionality.

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