by Haulmont
  • Latest Version 2.5.0
  • Updated 2 weeks ago
  • Supported in Jmix v1.1-2.5
  • License Commercial
  • Resources
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Jmix WebDAV add-on provides powerful functionality for collaborative work on documents of various formats.

The add-on enables the WebDAV protocol over the standard Jmix file storage API, which allows users to seamlessly open and edit files using their desktop applications (Word, Excel, LibreOffice, etc.) without the need to download and upload files to the web application.


  • Operating with documents in applications that support WebDAV (such as Microsoft Office) straight from the server.
  • Visual components to work with files and file versions in the application UI.
  • Full support for collaborative work and file versioning, manageable both from the client application and the application UI.
  • Configurable conflict resolution policies.
  • Simple management of file access control via full integration with Jmix security subsystem.
  • Access to files from external systems using static links.

Files are stored in the standard Jmix file storage, so there is no need for an external WebDAV server.


WebDAV is included in the Enterprise plan. Please find more details on the Pricing page.