    Low-Code Development Less-Code Developemt

    Low-code vs. less-code

    In the world of software development, there’s a growing trend towards low-code development platforms. Platforms like these promise to make creating applications easy and fast without requiring any coding knowledge. Seems like a dream come true? Perhaps. But, while this approach has its benefits, there’s another option that’s even better: less code. Let’s understand whether less code is a better approach than low code for software development and find out the pros and cons of both approaches.

    Low-code and less-code: Definition

    For decades, businesses had only two ways to build apps: buy out-of-the box apps from an outside vendor, or build and customize their own app from scratch with developers. But today we are seeing a low-code/no-code (LCNC) approach emerge and evolve, hereby every company user can become a developer.

    First of all, let’s define this approach in more detail.

    Low-code refers to alternative development methods with limited code or scripting capabilities. They allow users to quickly create apps and automate business processes without writing lines of code.

    Explore benefits of low-code platforms

    Introducing LCNC platforms is the next step in making app building easier - anyone can do it.

    Professional programming remains part of the development process, but low-code development supports an augmented and simplified experience that ordinary users can quickly master.

    Meanwhile, no-code is a user experience method that is as similar as possible to low-code, but it allows even non-technical business users to develop apps without writing a single line of code.

    Here we go. Let’s see low-code platforms advantages point by point:

    Accelerate the development process

    By using low-code platforms, developers can significantly speed up the app development process. Instead of manual code generation, they can use off-the-shelf components and functions with WYSIWYG tools that are already integrated into the platform.

    Reduced dependency on IT

    Low-code platforms not only speed up development, but also reduce dependency on IT. Low-code developers can create apps and deploy them in the vendor's runtime on their own, without the need to seek help from IT specialists on DevOps operations.

    Low barrier of entrance

    With the ready-made components and documentation low-code developers are able to boost the POC phase significantly. Simple CRUD applications as long as template-based systems can be delivered really fast.

    Vendor support

    Producers of low-code are interested in growing the community and as usual spends massive amounts of working hours for paid and free support for their users.

    But what about cons?

    Low-code platforms promise high development speed and easy-to-use interface: these platforms do not require deep knowledge of programming languages or software architecture. These platforms offer ready-to-use blocks for various pieces of functionality, integration, user interface components, etc.

    However, there are certain cons we want to discuss.

    It’s all about limitations

    When you need something beyond the capabilities provided by the platform, you are likely to go back to the developer and buy their additional services. And here we go: having a lot of limitations to the flexibility of the low-code platforms (while no-code is even less flexible).

    Low-code platforms can also limit developers’ ability to customize apps, which can lead to undesirable development trade offs. You cannot simply switch to another platform without losing existing functionality. One cannot easily jump between the runtime environments!

    Licensing issues really matter

    You don’t own the source code of the app and are forced to run it in the vendor’s runtime environment. Licensing is usually expensive and depends on the number of end users of your apps or in some cases, price of the tenant. As a result, you are completely tied to the service provider.

    Lack of cost-effectiveness

    Usual model for Low code platforms includes limitations for the number of end-users. Sometimes it directly impacts scalability of the delivered solution.

    Limited security control

    Certain aspects of the code are hidden behind the scenes and developers cannot directly influence these aspects.

    This can mean that developers do not have full control over the security of their apps and may encounter security issues when using low-code platforms.

    Limited integration with others systems

    Some low-code platforms may have limitations in integrating with other systems, which can lead to limited ability for an app to work together with other systems. This can be a big problem if a company uses several different systems and apps that need to work together.

    If a low-code platform cannot integrate with all of these systems, it can cause collaboration problems and decrease business efficiency. However, not all low-code platforms have these limitations, and many provide integration capabilities with other systems.

    Now, let’s move onto what really matters to strike through all the disadvantages mentioned above: the less-code development concept.

    What is a less-code concept?

    Less-code concept is a rapid application development tool for professional developers, combined with a forward-looking technology stack and enriched with a collection of ready-to-use business add-ons. Conceptually, it sits between low-code app platforms and traditional development combining the development acceleration of the former with the flexibility of the latter.

    Less-code concept benefits at first glance

    • Code inspection: you can review the code in an app
    • Code debugging: you can use professional tools for debugging code in the app
    • Code overriding: you can override some basic functions
    • Collaborations: you can use popular version control systems when working on an app with a team

    Trying to solve all these problems, the Jmix team developed this new less-code concept.

    Low-code vs. less-code: Who wins?

    Low-code and less-code are two concepts used in software development that differ in the level of abstraction provided to developers. While both approaches aim to improve efficiency and productivity, they do so in different ways.

    Low-code is a platform that provides an out-of-the-box set of components and modules which offer a more rigid structure. They are limiting the level of flexibility and customization.

    Less-code, on the other hand, offers a more open approach to development. For example, provides a set of tools and technologies that empower the developer to work more freely and flexibly.

    One of the key differences between these two code approaches is the level of partnership and participation required from the vendor. Low-code locks the delivered functionality to the vendor ecosystem, while less code platforms offer a more natural development experience.

    Another key difference between low-code and less-code is cost.

    Low-code may be more expensive in the short term, but it offers a more structured and secure environment for application development. Jmix’s Less-Code, on the other hand, may require more time and effort in the learning phase, but offers more flexibility and cost-effectiveness in the long run.

    In conclusion, low-code and less-code approaches offer different trade-offs between ease of use, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Low-code platforms offer a more structured and secure environment for application development, but they are more expensive and have less flexibility.

    Less-code platforms offer a more natural development experience, but require more training and effort, and may require more maintenance in the long run.